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Arlington, VA Salary

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Total 5103 Salaries. Sorted by Company, page 2
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Jobtitle Company Salary City Year
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 53,747 Arlington, VA, 22201 09/26/2012
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 67,350 Arlington, VA, 22201 10/15/2012
Computer Systems Analyst 3i Infotech $ 81,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 04/13/2013
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 60,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 02/01/2014
Software Engineer 3i Infotech $ 71,614 Arlington, VA, 22201 02/26/2015
Business Systems Analyst 3i Infotech $ 80,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 03/26/2015
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 60,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 06/25/2015
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 61,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 12/18/2015
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 61,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 09/01/2016
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 61,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 09/01/2016
Programmer Analyst 3i Infotech $ 67,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 02/01/2017
Software Developer 3i Infotech $ 83,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 02/26/2018
Business Systems Analyst 3i Infotech $ 82,326 Arlington, VA, 22201 03/26/2018
Associate Data Scientist 521 Roosevelt $ 55,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 09/10/2015
Critical Care Physician 8031843 Canada Inc. D/b/a Nexa Technologies $ 210,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 07/02/2013
Critical Care Physician 8031843 Canada Inc. D/b/a Nexa Technologies $ 210,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 09/10/2015
Chief Technical Officer A&a Restaurant $ 74,776 Arlington, VA, 22201 08/27/2015
Digitial Media Analyst A. International $ 52,800 Arlington, VA, 22201 02/28/2013
Associate A.t. Kearney $ 116,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 08/10/2014
Manufacturing Associate A.t. Kearney $ 127,000 Arlington, VA, 22201 01/01/2014
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