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Winooski, VT Salary

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Total 76 Salaries. Sorted by Company, page 2
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Jobtitle Company Salary City Year
Programmer Analyst Cyber Resource Group $ 70,304 Winooski, VT, 05404 07/23/2015
Specialized It - Applications Development Consultant Dice It Solutions $ 83,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 11/07/2016
Specialized It - Applications Development Consultant Dice It Solutions $ 96,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 01/07/2019
Systems Analyst Exeter Group $ 80,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 10/01/2013
Programmer Analyst Fusion Plus Solutions $ 72,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 01/18/2016
Sr. Application Developer Genisys Technologies $ 110,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 09/09/2018
Identity Management Architect George Ventures $ 120,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 12/08/2014
Identity Management Architect George Ventures $ 140,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 03/25/2017
Computer Systems Analyst Hermitage Infotech $ 60,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 08/20/2013
Computer System Analyst Hermitage Infotech $ 70,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 04/27/2016
Programmer Analyst Idexcel $ 85,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 06/11/2013
Qa Analyst (health Care) Intellyk $ 78,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 10/01/2018
Software Developer, Applications It Spin $ 64,500 Winooski, VT, 05404 03/07/2016
Senior Applications Developer (siebel) Jencare Neighborhood Medical Center South Dekalb L $ 120,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 10/18/2013
Senior Siebel Consultant Jencare Neighborhood Medical Center South Dekalb L $ 108,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 07/20/2016
Business Analyst Jnit Technologies $ 60,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 12/18/2013
Business Analyst Lancesoft $ 60,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 09/07/2015
Business Analyst Lancesoft $ 60,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 09/10/2015
Computer Systems Analyst Lancesoft $ 60,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 09/12/2015
Programmer Analyst Magna Infotech $ 125,000 Winooski, VT, 05404 05/19/2015
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