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Comtech Salary

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Comtech average salary is $91,473, median salary is $90,223 with a salary range from $69,770 to $120,000.
Comtech salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Comtech salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 18 Comtech Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
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Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Sqa Engineer 101,783-101,783 Reston, VA, 20190 2018 Comtech Sqa Engineer Salaries (2)
Comtech Reston, VA Salaries
Audit & Implementation Manager 116,243-116,243 Washington, DC, 20001 2017 Comtech Audit & Implementation Manager Salaries (1)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Sr. Network Engineer 120,000-120,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2017 Comtech Sr. Network Engineer Salaries (1)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Documentum Administrator/developer 82,400-82,400 Carmel, IN, 46032 2016 Comtech Documentum Administrator/developer Salaries (2)
Comtech Carmel, IN Salaries
Full Stack Lead Developer 85,000-85,000 Reston, VA, 20190 2016 Comtech Full Stack Lead Developer Salaries (1)
Comtech Reston, VA Salaries
Documentum Administrator/developer 82,400-82,400 San Antonio, TX, 78201 2015 Comtech Documentum Administrator/developer Salaries (2)
Comtech San Antonio, TX Salaries
Sqa Engineer 92,700-92,700 Washington, DC, 20001 2015 Comtech Sqa Engineer Salaries (2)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Systems Engineer 90,223-90,223 RESTON, VA, 20191 2014 Comtech Systems Engineer Salaries (2)
Comtech RESTON, VA Salaries
Sr. Documentum Admin Developer 115,000-115,000 Reston, VA, 20190 2014 Comtech Sr. Documentum Admin Developer Salaries (1)
Comtech Reston, VA Salaries
Sr. Documentum Administrator 98,489-98,489 Reston, VA, 20190 2014 Comtech Sr. Documentum Administrator Salaries (1)
Comtech Reston, VA Salaries
Unix Administrator/websphere Administrator 103,243-103,243 Washington, DC, 20001 2014 Comtech Unix Administrator/websphere Administrator Salaries (1)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Java Developer 93,064-93,064 Washington, DC, 20001 2013 Comtech Java Developer Salaries (2)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Documentum Administrator 80,000-80,000 Alexandria, VA, 22301 2013 Comtech Documentum Administrator Salaries (1)
Comtech Alexandria, VA Salaries
Network Administrator 69,770-69,770 Washington, DC, 20001 2013 Comtech Network Administrator Salaries (1)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Network Security Engineer 69,770-69,770 Washington, DC, 20001 2013 Comtech Network Security Engineer Salaries (1)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Noc Engineer 76,080-76,080 Washington, DC, 20001 2013 Comtech Noc Engineer Salaries (1)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
Software Engineer 80,000-80,000 New York, NY, 10001 2013 Comtech Software Engineer Salaries (1)
Comtech New York, NY Salaries
Software Quality Assurance Engineer 90,000-90,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2013 Comtech Software Quality Assurance Engineer Salaries (1)
Comtech Washington, DC Salaries
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Comtech salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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  • The Carolina Commerce and Technology Center, Inc. (COMtech.) is a non-profit, tax exempt, 501 (c) (3) corporation founded in July 2000. COMtech. began operation in January 2001. It is responsible for developing an education and training center surrounded by 620 acres zoned for business and industry. The site in central Robeson County, North Carolina, will be the home of technology-focused business, industry, education, training and business incubation facilities. The focus of COMtech. is capacity building and development of a premier capability to support meaningful, long-term workforce development. COMtech. directly impacts the growth of our economy and improvement in