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Derex Technologies Salary

  • 65
  • 92
  • 67
Derex Technologies average salary is $75,055, median salary is $75,000 with a salary range from $57,500 to $110,000.
Derex Technologies salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Derex Technologies salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 77 Derex Technologies Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
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Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Computer Programmer 76,000-76,000 Sunnyvale, CA, 94086 2018 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Sunnyvale, CA Salaries
Computer Programmer 78,000-78,000 Portland, OR, 97201 2018 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Portland, OR Salaries
Information Technology Project Manager 110,000-110,000 Portland, OR, 97201 2018 Derex Technologies Information Technology Project Manager Salaries (6)
Derex Technologies Portland, OR Salaries
Computer Systems Analysts 83,000-83,000 Chevy Chase, MD, 20815 2018 Derex Technologies Computer Systems Analysts Salaries (2)
Derex Technologies Chevy Chase, MD Salaries
Software Developer 94,000-94,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2018 Derex Technologies Software Developer Salaries (2)
Derex Technologies Washington, DC Salaries
Software Developer 80,000-80,000 Indianapolis, IN, 46201 2018 Derex Technologies Software Developer Salaries (2)
Derex Technologies Indianapolis, IN Salaries
Systems Analyst 70,000-70,000 Tallahassee, FL, 32301 2018 Derex Technologies Systems Analyst Salaries (2)
Derex Technologies Tallahassee, FL Salaries
Systems Analyst 78,000-78,000 Columbia, MD, 21044 2018 Derex Technologies Systems Analyst Salaries (2)
Derex Technologies Columbia, MD Salaries
Computer Systems Analyst 60,000-60,000 Erie, PA, 16501 2018 Derex Technologies Computer Systems Analyst Salaries (1)
Derex Technologies Erie, PA Salaries
Devops Engineer 105,000-105,000 Chevy Chase, MD, 20815 2018 Derex Technologies Devops Engineer Salaries (1)
Derex Technologies Chevy Chase, MD Salaries
Software Architect 95,000-95,000 Chevy Chase, MD, 20815 2018 Derex Technologies Software Architect Salaries (1)
Derex Technologies Chevy Chase, MD Salaries
Computer Programmer 76,000-76,000 Santa Clara, CA, 95050 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Santa Clara, CA Salaries
Computer Programmer 80,000-80,000 Woodland Hills, CA, 91364 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Woodland Hills, CA Salaries
Computer Programmer 82,000-82,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Washington, DC Salaries
Computer Programmer 78,000-78,000 Bethesda, MD, 20813 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Bethesda, MD Salaries
Computer Programmer 78,000-78,000 Chevy Chase, MD, 20815 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Chevy Chase, MD Salaries
Computer Programmer 96,000-96,000 Owings Mills, MD, 21117 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Owings Mills, MD Salaries
Computer Programmer 82,000-82,000 Rockville, MD, 20847 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Rockville, MD Salaries
Computer Programmer 70,100-70,100 HARRISON, NJ, 07029 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies HARRISON, NJ Salaries
Computer Programmer 73,000-73,000 Parsippany, NJ, 07054 2017 Derex Technologies Computer Programmer Salaries (70)
Derex Technologies Parsippany, NJ Salaries
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Derex Technologies salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Derex Technologies... Information
  • DEREX Technologies Inc
  • Industry: Other
  • City: Harrison, NJ
  • DEREXTech offers end-to-end solutions in the Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence space in the form of both generic as well as specialized offerings. Our competence exists with the team of highly skilled and trained consultants, who have experience, superior technical & business consulting skills, domain expertise and high-quality project management skills. Superior implementation methodologies and process back our competencies.