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Hughes Hubbard & Reed Salary

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Hughes Hubbard & Reed average salary is $188,929, median salary is $180,000 with a salary range from $85,000 to $375,000.
Hughes Hubbard & Reed salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Hughes Hubbard & Reed salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 20 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Associate 180,000-180,000 New York, NY, 10001 2018 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Salaries (12)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
International Specialist 180,000-180,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2018 Hughes Hubbard & Reed International Specialist Salaries (6)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
Associate 180,000-180,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2017 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Salaries (12)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
Associate 180,000-300,000 New York, NY, 10001 2017 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Salaries (12)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
International Specialist 180,000-180,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2017 Hughes Hubbard & Reed International Specialist Salaries (6)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
Associate 160,000-160,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2016 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Salaries (12)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
Associate 230,000-230,000 New York, NY, 10001 2016 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Salaries (12)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
International Specialist 140,000-140,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2016 Hughes Hubbard & Reed International Specialist Salaries (6)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
Attorney 375,000-375,000 NEW YORK, NY, 10004 2016 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Attorney Salaries (3)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed NEW YORK, NY Salaries
Associate 160,000-160,000 New York, NY, 10001 2015 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Salaries (12)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
International Specialist 210,000-210,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2015 Hughes Hubbard & Reed International Specialist Salaries (6)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
International Specialist (china) 125,000-125,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2015 Hughes Hubbard & Reed International Specialist (china) Salaries (1)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
Associate 185,000-210,000 New York, NY, 10001 2014 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Salaries (12)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
Associate Attorney 160,000-160,000 Washington, DC, 20001 2014 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Attorney Salaries (4)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed Washington, DC Salaries
Attorney --- New York, NY, 10001 2013 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Attorney Salaries (3)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
Conflicts Manager 90,000-90,000 New York, NY, 10001 2013 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Conflicts Manager Salaries (1)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
Associate Attorney 160,000-230,000 NEW YORK, NY, 10004 2012 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate Attorney Salaries (4)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed NEW YORK, NY Salaries
Associate (law Clerk) 160,000-160,000 NEW YORK, NY, 10004 2012 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Associate (law Clerk) Salaries (1)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed NEW YORK, NY Salaries
Mid-level Attorney, Securities Litigation 230,000-230,000 New York, NY, 10001 2012 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Mid-level Attorney, Securities Litigation Salaries (1)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
Staff Attorney 85,000-85,000 New York, NY, 10001 2012 Hughes Hubbard & Reed Staff Attorney Salaries (1)
Hughes Hubbard & Reed New York, NY Salaries
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Hughes Hubbard & Reed salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Hughes Hubbard & Reed... Information
  • Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
  • Industry: Legal
  • City: New York, NY
  • While Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP has a distinguished history dating back to 1888, the firm has been recognized as part of the ¡°new elite¡± among ¡°the profession¡¯s top tier,¡± according to a survey by The American Lawyer magazine (¡°The A-List¡±, July 2006).With offices in New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Miami, Jersey City, Paris and Tokyo, Hughes Hubbard offers expertise in a wide-range of practice areas. Our team of more than 330 experienced practitioners work in over 30 specialized practices, from mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, corporate reorganization, real estate and cross-border transactions to securities litigation, arbitration, product liability,