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Peoplemetrics Salary

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Peoplemetrics average salary is $54,333, median salary is $53,331 with a salary range from $40,700 to $70,720.
Peoplemetrics salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Peoplemetrics salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 6 Peoplemetrics Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Advertising & Promotion Specialist 70,720-70,720 PHILADELPHIA, PA, 19103 2016 Peoplemetrics Advertising & Promotion Specialist Salaries (3)
Peoplemetrics PHILADELPHIA, PA Salaries
International Business Developer 55,120-55,120 Houston, TX, 77001 2015 Peoplemetrics International Business Developer Salaries (1)
Peoplemetrics Houston, TX Salaries
International Tax Advisor 66,560-66,560 Houston, TX, 77001 2015 Peoplemetrics International Tax Advisor Salaries (1)
Peoplemetrics Houston, TX Salaries
Advertising & Promotion Specialist 53,331-53,331 Pembroke Pines, FL, 33028 2014 Peoplemetrics Advertising & Promotion Specialist Salaries (3)
Peoplemetrics Pembroke Pines, FL Salaries
Advertising & Promotion Specialist 52,300-52,300 Pembroke Pines, FL, 33028 2013 Peoplemetrics Advertising & Promotion Specialist Salaries (3)
Peoplemetrics Pembroke Pines, FL Salaries
Business Management Analyst 40,700-41,600 Pembroke Pines, FL, 33028 2013 Peoplemetrics Business Management Analyst Salaries (2)
Peoplemetrics Pembroke Pines, FL Salaries
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Peoplemetrics salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Peoplemetrics... Information
  • PeopleMetrics, Inc
  • Industry: Sales/Marketing Services
  • City: Philadelphia, PA
  • PeopleMetrics is a full service market research firm that combines superior analytics with proprietary online research technology to offer powerful insights and exceptional value to our clients. PeopleMetrics provides a full range of client services, including sample recruitment and design, qualitative research (online and traditional), questionnaire design, measurement (online, phone, and IVR), real-time reporting, and advanced analytics (logistic regression, factor analysis, choice modeling). PeopleMetrics¡¯ analysts are experts at measuring customer and employee behavior, as well as pinpointing specific attitudes that predict these behaviors. Their areas of expertise include customer loyalty, strategic market research and human capital management