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Solexant Salary

  • 55
  • 44
  • 33
Solexant average salary is $50,864, median salary is $54,080 with a salary range from $44,928 to $54,080.
Solexant salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Solexant salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly.
Total 7 Solexant Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1
Ranked By:
Job Title Salaries City Year More info
Medical Technologist 54,080-54,080 Artesia, NM, 88210 2018 Solexant Medical Technologist Salaries (7)
Solexant Artesia, NM Salaries
Medical Technologist 54,080-54,080 Artesia, NM, 88210 2017 Solexant Medical Technologist Salaries (7)
Solexant Artesia, NM Salaries
Medical Technologist 54,080-54,080 Artesia, NM, 88210 2016 Solexant Medical Technologist Salaries (7)
Solexant Artesia, NM Salaries
Medical Technologist 54,080-54,080 Artesia, NM, 88210 2015 Solexant Medical Technologist Salaries (7)
Solexant Artesia, NM Salaries
Educational Staff Nurse Med/surg/icu 45,760-45,760 Artesia, NM, 88210 2014 Solexant Educational Staff Nurse Med/surg/icu Salaries (1)
Solexant Artesia, NM Salaries
Medical Technologist 44,928-44,928 Artesia, NM, 88210 2013 Solexant Medical Technologist Salaries (7)
Solexant Artesia, NM Salaries
Medical Technologist 45,822-45,822 Artesia, NM, 88210 2012 Solexant Medical Technologist Salaries (7)
Solexant Artesia, NM Salaries
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Solexant salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.

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Solexant... Information
  • Solexant Corp
  • Industry: Energy
  • City: San Jose, CA
  • Solexant was founded in 2006 by Dr. Damoder Reddy along with scientific founders and scientific advisory board members Prof. Paul Alivisatos of U.C. Berkeley, Prof. Paras Prasad of SUNY Buffalo and Prof. Sue Carter of U.C. Santa Cruz. Solexant is a well funded start-up developing third generation thin film PV technologies which dramatically increase solar cell efficiency and reduce manufacturing costs, therefore enabling the commercialization of solar modules that generate electricity at competitive rates without depending on government subsidies. Using printable nano-material technologies exclusively licensed from leading universities, Solexant¡¯s flexible solar cells harvest energy from the entire solar spectrum.